Disconnecting From Our Trauma and Ourselves
Many of us have experienced trauma so destabilizing and so painful that we disassociate from it, meaning we disconnect from it, forget it happened to us, or think we haven’t been impacted by trauma at all. We suppress our memories and force ourselves to try and forget them. We don’t self-identify as trauma survivors. We deny having experienced trauma altogether. We might lie about the painful things we’ve been through or try our hardest to keep them a secret from other people. We become so disconnected from our trauma that we see it as something that happens to other people but not to us. We don’t associate ourselves with having been traumatized, and we don’t associate trauma with our life experience. We can even become delusional about our trauma, convincing ourselves psychologically that it never happened. We’ve become deeply disconnected from our inner selves and the truth of our experiences. We don’t honor our pain or ourselves for having survived it. The different forms of trauma we’ve experienced can have far-reaching, long-lasting implications for our mental and emotional health, including our addictions. What are some of the effects of this disassociation from our trauma?
Developing Unconscious Addictive Patterns
Because we’ve disassociated from our trauma, we often are unaware of what is causing our deep unwellness and pain. Many of us develop addictions as coping mechanisms to deal with our pain, and we use our drugs of choice to self-medicate. We develop compulsive behaviors. We become compulsively self-harming. We develop unconscious addictive patterns, to substances, behaviors and relationships. We don’t know why we feel such strong urges to numb our pain and self-destruct, but we feel compulsively driven to our drug of choice, and it becomes our default way of coping with our internal struggles, with the inner turmoil we feel, the confusion, the overwhelm, the deep sadness and grief, the fear, anger and shame. We don’t see our trauma as being a driving force in our lives, but when we take a deeper look at our addictive patterns, over time we realize that our inability to connect and identify with our trauma has created a foundation of instability and unwellness that our addictions thrive on.
At The Guest House Ocala, we have personal recovery experience
and over 12 years in the recovery industry.
We have helped countless people recover, and we’re here to help you too.
Call 855-483-7800 today for more information.
3230 Northeast 55th Avenue Silver Springs, FL 34488