If you suffer from anxiety, you know that it is a disorder that affects both the mind and the body. Most people tend to only think about what is happening within the mind when talking about mental health issues. The body and the mind, however, are extremely connected. The mind controls the body. Our nervous system is an amazing thing that connects every single cell within our body to our brain and vice versa. For that reason, anxiety has both physical and mental symptoms. For example, when our brain experiences fear, it affects our body.
Physical SymptomsÂ
Everyone experiences anxiety differently. Some common physical symptoms include lightheadedness, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, chest constrictions, shortness of breath, hot flashes, sweating, chills, shaking, nausea, vomiting, aching muscles, headaches, muscle tensions, changes in sleep, changes in appetite, and changes in focus and concentration.Â
For some people, these physical symptoms can be extreme, while for others they may be slight. Everyone experiences anxiety in their own way. For some with severe anxiety, the symptoms could even resemble a heart attack. Others may experience a panic attack, or even pass out.Â
Seeking Help
Seeking help from a professional can help you to learn how to best handle your anxiety. Because everyone experiences anxiety in their own way, doing what you see your family or your friends doing may not fully help you like it is helping them. A professional can help you to understand what you are feeling, where it may be coming from, and how to best work through it. There is no shame in asking for help, and there are many professionals waiting to help.
Anxiety is a disorder that affects individuals both mentally and physically. The body and the mind have such an intense connection, that what we process through the mind affects our bodies. Anxiety can be felt through the body in varying degrees. What severely affects one person, may only slightly affect another. Working with a professional can help you to learn how to best work through your struggles and learn how to best live with your anxiety. There is no shame in asking for help. A professional can help you learn where your anxiety is coming from and how to work with it. Here at The Guest House, we have amazing professionals ready to help you through your journey of healing. Call us today to learn more at (855) 483-7800.