Millennials are defined as being between the ages of approximately 23 and 38 years of age. They were born at a time when health and wellness seemed more prevalent than ever. There were campaigns to discuss healthy aging and finding support for people who struggle, whereas their parents wrestled with so much (including wars and trauma). That does not mean millennials have it easy. Just the opposite is the case, in fact, as research is finding they struggle with many health conditions. Find out what they are and how to support a loved one who falls into the millennial age category and needs help with addictive behaviors.
Major Depression and Behavioral Health
Compared with the national average, millennials are more impacted by behavioral health conditions than physical ailments. The biggest increases for this age group include major depression and hyperactivity. While people may see moderate diagnosis impact across generations, millennials are seeing more devastation in this area than anywhere else. Major depression, substance use disorder, and alcoholism are the top three conditions millennials wrestle with. Some contributing factors include:
- Technology: the first generations grew up learning how to navigate social interaction. With the advent of new technology, millennials lack emotional awareness, which makes it hard to understand their thoughts and feelings and empathize with others
- Media: with the internet and media everywhere on a 24-hour news cycle, there is no lack of people and things shouting in everyone’s face what their opinions, beliefs, and ideas are right now. Stories of terrorism, natural disasters, and everything else make it hard to turn off or turn away because people want to engage, but it is also traumatizing to witness all this on a daily basis
- Everybody wins: there was a time when it seemed every kid was getting a trophy and kids were not able to be at a competition without winning a medal for participation. This did not teach them how to navigate frustration or loss, so millennials are seen as more demanding and being ‘right’
- Added income: more parents worked from the home to meet financial demands, whereas other generations did not have to (or lacked many choices). Predictable hours and time at home with the family was expected, whereas now families are struggling to meet the demands of family and work-life with raising kids
Seeking Help
While millennials are wrestling with addictive behaviors and mental health issues, there is preventive care they can do that will help them manage a healthier lifestyle. One-third of millennials don’t have insurance, and most don’t seek preventive care. It is expensive for so many people, but especially those whose work is centered around contracting, working jobs here and there, and working for companies that offer less and less for preventive care. They often think of themselves as more invincible and not needing care. Getting to the root causes of existing issues is key, also, to finding healing. People cannot come in for a quick fox and find hope and healing. Mental health, physical health, and all the rest of it are wrapped into one. When people reach out for help, they are more likely to find healing than waiting and not asking for support. Screening is key, as well as prioritizing proper treatment for healing.
Guest House helps you find hope and new life on the other side of addiction. For more information about sober living programs for men and women as well as recovery programs, call 855-483-7800.