Choosing to enter an inpatient program can be a big decision. You may worry about all of your responsibilities at home, your children, family, or friends. One major question that often gets asked is how will staying in contact happen during treatment.
The answer can be different for everyone. Everyone is on a unique path of healing and discovery. What works for you may not work for someone else. Focusing on your journey will help you to better understand what will and will not work for you as you participate in therapy. Here are a few different points to keep in mind as you think about connecting with loved ones while in treatment.
Work With Your Therapist
Talk with your therapist about any concerns that you have. They will be able to help you work through those worries and determine what is going to benefit your treatment and progress. Mental health issues are often very complex, and it can be challenging at times to understand why you feel as you feel. Let your therapist help you through your worries and concerns.
Analyze Your Relationships
Most people who enter treatment have both healthy and unhealthy relationships at home. Determining which relationships are healthy is essential in deciding who to remain in contact with while in treatment. If a relationship tends to center around your substance of choice, it may not be reasonable to remain in contact. However, if you have relationships that tend to be supportive and loving, it may be a good idea to contact those individuals.
Establish Your Goals
What are you working towards? When you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish while in treatment and beyond, it can be easier to make tough decisions about who is involved in your progress and journey. Not everyone is worthy of remaining in your life as you grow into the person you are meant to be.
Remaining in contact with loved ones during treatment can be beneficial. Having strong support can help you to feel confident and secure. However, you may have relationships that are not beneficial for you. Establish your goals and analyze the health of the relationships in your life. Work with your therapist to determine which relationships will help your recovery. Here at The Guest House, we understand that everyone is on an individual journey, and we are here to support you and yours. Call us today at (855) 483-7800 to learn more about treatment options.