Asking whether or not perfectionism is a problem largely depends who you are asking. People are either proud of their perfectionism and use it as the great motivator in their lives or they are unaware of their perfectionism in addition to the many ways it might be hurting their lives. For some, perfectionism is the kind of quality they list on a resume. To others, perfectionism is a haunting part of their personality. Like a bar that never stops rising or a horizon growing ever further away, perfectionism is a lost cause because perfection can never be reached.
Perfection isn’t really the point of perfectionism, for most perfectionists. Instead, perfection is more of a mask, covering up without flaw what is perceived to be flawed underneath. Inside of every perfectionist is a deep insecurity that has specific needs- acknowledgement, success, codependency, validation, or more. Perfection becomes the only solution to a problem that only they can fill. Mistakenly, a perfectionist believes that the facade of perfection is a way to avoid what is on the other side of those specific needs they are straining to fill. Most often that includes abandonment, rejection, being left out, being left behind, and validating their feelings of worthlessness. Perfectionism is a false idea of worth that harms not only the person struggling with perfectionism but their body.
Perfectionism becomes a problem when it is problematic for other people. The perfectionist can find themselves extremely stressed which has physical health effects. As with any distress of the mind, the body suffers. Stress can lead to acid reflux, heart complications, digestive complications, and any number of somatic issues. Known for their debilitating self-criticism, the strive perfectionism becomes an endless onslaught of self-sabotage and self-punishment. Despite their efforts, perfectionists are notorious for being chronic procrastinators. Adding to the stress of the lack of perfection and the fear of failure, the health risks continue to grow.
Your perfectionism is a problem if it is starting to take a toll on your mental and physical health. Extreme emotional distress, self-criticism, and fear can be devastating over time and lead to the development of other mental health conditions, in addition to physical health conditions. As you try hard and harder to hold on to those you need to impress with your perfectionism you run a greater and greater risk of pushing them away.
Overcoming perfectionism is a recovery process. Learning to have compassion for yourself, embrace your flaws, accept your mistakes, and change the narrative in your mind takes time. Before your perfectionism gets out of hand, seek out treatment or work with a therapist to start healing in mind, body, and spirit.
Call The Guest House Ocala today for information on our private residential treatment programs for traumas, addictions, and related mental health issues. Our concierge style treatment is catered toward your every personal need for recovery: