Recovery is liberating, freeing, and empowering. When we recover, whether it be from trauma, addiction, or another mental health issue, we feel like we enter a new lease on life. Learning how to live with our various symptoms, we feel we are ready to take on and see the world. Traveling is one of the many benefits of recovery. We learn that everywhere we go, there we are. Wherever we go, we can take our recovery with us.
Choose your destination wisely
Travel is an open book, asking us to fill in the pages with worldly experiences. Not all destinations are created equal. If we are recovering from alcoholism, we might not want to spend long periods of time in areas full of bars and breweries. If we are recovering from depression, we may not want to go somewhere that is dark, dismal, and gray. Choose your destination based on your interests, your capabilities, your passions, and your needs. Know where there will be services available if you need them, like a doctor, a pharmacy, or a counselor.
Make room for rest in your itinerary
Planning your trip in detail helps you know where you want to be, where you want to go, how to get there, and how long it will take. It is easy to get ahead of yourself in your travel plans and schedule every single minute of every single day. When you take a vacation, your need for self-care and rest does not. There is nothing wrong with taking a day or a few extra hours to lay in bed, rest, and take care of yourself the way that you need to be taken care of.
Plan ahead, but make room for spontaneity
Another reason to leave room in your travel plans is spontaneity. Spontaneous adventure is the magic of travel. You never know who you are going to meet and what new adventures might come out of that introduction. Leave room to experience people as much as you want to places and things.
Find local resources
If you are traveling in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, look for local recovery support group resources. Twelve-step meetings are worldwide. Where you cannot find a meeting in person, there are meetings online as well as meetings you can call into on the phone. Remember, all it takes is two people and a “Big Book” to have a meeting.
Recovery can be one of the great adventures of your life. The Guest House Ocala is ready to take you where you where you want to go in your recovery. Call us today for information on our private residential treatment programs for trauma, addictions, and related mental health issues. Call us today for information: 1-855-483-7800