A traumatic occurrence can happen at any point in your life, and if not addressed, it can begin to dictate how you act and behave. You may be exhibiting avoidance and therefore trying to dissociate yourself from the traumatic experience. Such behavior can cause you to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking, drugs, sex, and eating. Using an excess of any activity established on creating short term relief can become damaging to your health.
Studies show that individuals who suffer trauma are more likely to develop eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, binge eating, and anorexia nervosa (National Center for Biotechnology Information). While trying to gain control over your eating disorder might seem nearly impossible, understand that there are underlying factors to consider that will help with your diagnosis, understanding, and treatment for your eating disorder.
More Psychological Related Than Food Related
Eating disorders are not entirely about food. They are often a way to self-medicate or control a specific aspect of your life. These disorders are often motivated by the fear, shame, and hopelessness you experience after a traumatic event.
Uncovering Associated Emotions
Understand that your eating disorder is not directly responsible for how you feel. Your treatment approach should focus on your emotions associated with the traumatic event. Experiential therapies such as Adventure Therapy and Art Therapy allow you to process and release emotions in a healthier setting.
It’s Not Your Fault
The reasons for eating disorders can be complicated. It may a result of your experiences, your genes, or brain chemistry. Seeking professional care will help you better understand your condition and help you realize that it is not your fault and treatable.
Treating disorders related to trauma takes understanding your behaviors and developing healthy ways to process your emotions. However difficult, leaning into the pain instead of away from the problem will, in the long run, help you cope and eventually overcome negative feelings. Recovery begins with taking the first step toward treatment. At Guest House, we offer a safe and comfortable environment to explore your thoughts and behaviors free from distraction and judgment. Our mission is to instill in you the lasting confidence and empowerment to manage your addictions and disorders and get the most from your life. It will take work, but developing the tools you need to build a solid foundation today will help you continue to build on this foundation throughout a lifetime. To learn more, call us today at (855) 483-7800.