Keeping the body and mind active are important parts of the recovery process. Keeping occupied throughout the day can be one of the most effective ways to cope with any of the constant stressors, anxieties, or depression that may otherwise hinder one’s ability to move through their daily life. While employing coping strategies as a reaction to stressors is undeniably effective, it can also be beneficial to find hobbies or activities that engage the mind and body preemptively, helping each person better mitigate the chances of this anxiety, depression, or other effects of trauma or addiction set in through the course of the day.
Dangers of Staying at Rest for Too Long
Keeping both the mind and body active indicates that a person is taking a needed holistic approach to their own recovery, and directing all of their energies into their own recovery. A body at rest for too long can lead to underlying feelings of isolation or entrapment, or even an overall deteriorating motivation through the day, setting the precedent for avoiding responsibilities and furthering isolation. A mind at rest for too long can allow racing thoughts and doubt to set in, creating a scenario where a person may be physically active, but without a mental direction, can still find their minds racing with traumatic experiences or emotional turmoil.
Taking Action
There are a number of ways that a person can exercise both their bodies and minds simultaneously. Sport can be a great example, as not only does it force the body to be active in some way, but it also has a consistent goal always in mind. Whether it is hitting a good serve, scoring a touchdown, or watching baserunners, there is always something for the mind to keep track of through the course of a game or match.
This same strategy can be applied to other activities, such as dance or other performing arts. The physical act of playing an instrument, singing or dancing all keep the body in a position while the mind keeps track of the choreography, music, or even the conductor, depending on the circumstance.
These strategies can be incredibly effective, as it allows a person to focus all of their energy in a positive direction, rather than allowing any aspect of their mind or body to invite the symptoms of trauma or addiction to manifest themselves. It is an exercise in focus and direction, and keeping one’s energy dedicated and moving with intention can make it easier to process the stresses of each day ahead.
Getting both the mind and body involved in recovery can create the needed holistic, somatic approach that trauma recovery may need in order to be wholly effective. At The Guest House, we employ a number of different activities that are intended to help you get fully engaged with your own recovery on any level, using outdoor and adventure therapy among other practices to give you the experience and focus you may need. To learn more about how we can personalize your time with us and best incorporate your mind, body, and personal interests into your own unique therapy plan, call us today at (855) 483-7800.