Congratulations on taking that huge step of receiving help for your addiction and mental health issues. Getting help is an impressive accomplishment, and you should be very proud of yourself and the hard work you accomplished. Whether you completed treatment yesterday or five years ago, it deserves to be acknowledged and praised.
As you have probably realized, the work doesn’t end when you leave treatment. It’s imperative to practice good self-care after going through treatment. When we practice self-care, we continue to make our mental health and sobriety a priority in our lives. You worked hard in your treatment program; now is the time to take what you learned and continue to grow. Here are five tips to keep in mind as you continue to focus on your self-care.
Self-Care Includes Creating Boundaries
Boundaries are crucial as you journey through sobriety. Creating solid boundaries does not mean you are struggling with your sobriety; on the contrary, creating boundaries ensures that you do not place yourself in situations that may risk your sobriety or mental health. The boundaries you create may look different from the boundaries set by other people in recovery that you know. Boundaries can be extremely personal. Take time to analyze your triggers, relationships, and overall mental health when building solid boundaries. As time progresses, there is a good chance your boundaries will change, just like your recovery journey will change with time as well.
Self-Care Means Putting Your Health First
Recovery is a learning process. Your life will probably look different after treatment than it did before. You may find that you are no longer comfortable in specific locations, with certain people, or doing certain activities. That is perfectly normal, and your comfort level will probably change with time. Putting your health first does not make you selfish. You worked so incredibly hard in treatment to overcome your addiction and address your mental health issues, and the work is not over when you leave rehab. Putting your health first is showing yourself the respect that you deserve and worked so hard for.
Self-Care Means Continued Therapy
Continuing therapy in some form is a huge part of self-care. Recovery can be challenging and trying at times. Your triggers may change, you may find new challenges ahead of you or changes in your mental health. A mental health professional can help you work through these changes and give you the support you need to face any obstacle or challenge. Everyone is on a unique path and journey. We all have different goals that we are trying to reach and accomplish. For that reason, the level of continued therapy required may look slightly different for everyone. Search deep and determine what type and level of continued support you need. When working with a professional, you can work together to talk about the level of support you need.
Self-Care Is Different for Everyone
Self-care for those in recovery may look different for each person. Mental health can be complicated. Everyone reacts to experiences differently. What you need to manage your mental health issues will probably be at least a little different than what another person needs. Try not to compare your journey with others. It is perfectly normal and expected that you care for yourself differently than your loved ones or friends. Learn what your body and mind need, and do just that. When we can acknowledge our unique needs, we can put our health first.
Self-Care Means Taking Time for Fun
One aspect of self-care that is often forgotten about is simply having fun. Recovery can be just as consuming as your active addiction was if you let it. It can become easy to focus on your sobriety, health, making good decisions, and working towards goals. While all of those things are great, you may become burned out if you do not take the time to have fun and relax. For some individuals, this may look like taking a hike through the forest on a state trail you have wanted to explore, while others may want to go to an amusement park, the library, or the mall. Whatever you enjoy doing, take the time to do just that. We all need to relax and have fun. Making good choices does not mean you cannot explore new places or have fun experiences. Learning to live a fun life while sober is the key to successful recovery and happiness.
Self-care after treatment is a significant part of the recovery process. Learning to understand and put your mental health first can be a learning experience. Often we feel like we should be able to handle anything and everything after going through treatment. Practicing good self-care will help you to maintain your mental health and make healthy choices for your sobriety. Creating boundaries and continuing therapy are two examples of practicing good self-care. You will probably find that self-care looks different for everyone. Everyone needs different support to maintain their sobriety and overall well-being. Here at The Guest House, we understand that everyone had unique needs. We are here to support you regardless of where you are in your recovery journey. We have extensive experience helping individuals just like you achieve their goals and maintain their sobriety. Call us today to learn more about our different treatment options and how we can support you at (855) 483-7800.