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Self Care

The term “self-care” is used a lot through recovery from both addiction and trauma alike. Many programs will introduce a number of common and effective practices, such as taking a walk, engaging in sport, or watching a movie, in order to engage with one’s own self-care. This is all in an effort to maintain a healthy level of stress or anxiety through the difficult journey of recovery. However, the definition of “self-care” can extend far beyond just one or two suggested activities, and can be the first exercise in agency that a person has in their recovery, ultimately setting the precedent for further explorations of their own identity. 

Self-Care Has a Broad Definition

Self-care is often thought of in terms of examples, which can inherently be limiting if someone feels like they have to choose an activity from a list. However, self-care can be any action that someone takes that is intended to improve their own mental health and reduce stress. It is intended to be a method for a person to find enjoyment and self-fulfillment even through times of stress. As a result, spending some time alone in one’s room and just listening to music can be the self-care that a person needs to begin processing any number of stressors. The malleable definition is intentional, and just about anything can be classified as self-care, so long as it is a healthy practice and is done with the intention of detaching oneself from stressors. While watching a movie can help some detach from stressors, watching movies all day without the intent of using this as a self-care scenario can end up having the opposite effect and introduce feelings of isolation or stagnation.

Self-Care Is a Powerful Outlet

Finding an effective self-care activity carries a lot of weight. Not only does it have its immediate implications in being able to help a person process stress, watch their own health, and stay within their window of tolerance, but finding an effective outlet can also be an exploration of one’s new identity in sobriety and healing. Finding an activity that a person wholly enjoys can become part of their new self, incorporating it as one of their key interests, and can even continue to grow into new communities and social functions. While self-care starts as a personal journey, it is the same tool that can help a person begin to branch out in their recovery into new groups, and a new, transformed future.

Self-care is an exploration of one’s own interests and how they can use them to further define their identity and cope with the stresses that may be present through daily life. At The Guest House, our recovery programs champion this individualized approach and provide a number of different therapeutic approaches to create a holistic plan for your recovery, using your own personal interests and goals. From group therapy to adventure therapy, we can help you find outlets for your self-care that best suit your unique interests. For more information on how we can personalize your time with us, or to talk to a caring, trained professional, call us today at (855) 483-7800.