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Create a Relapse Prevention Plan That Works

If the fear of relapsing when you’re on your own in the real world keeps you up at night, know that you’re not alone. When you’re navigating recovery from addiction to substances — especially through the lens of trauma — it’s common for people to have apprehension about falling back into addiction, of going backRead More

The Science of Trauma: How the Body Stores Emotional Pain

On the surface, it’s easy to separate the body and mind into wholly different categories. You might even believe the emotional pain you’re facing is unrelated to any physical struggles. The truth is, matters of the heart (and mind and soul) are much more powerful than you’d think. If you are just starting your journeyRead More

Coping With Anxiety During the Holidays: Tips for Trauma Survivors

Millions of people with substance use disorder (SUD) have trauma-related mental health issues. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “Violence, abuse, neglect, and family or social conflict are among the traumatic events and circumstances that are linked with the risk of developing a substance use disorder.” Additionally, SUD and related mental healthRead More

5 Ways to Stay Sober During Vacations

Many people who are recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) rely on structure and routine to manage this condition. Unfortunately, spending time away from home for a vacation may disrupt essential routines. According to an article in the journal Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, free time can pose risks to sobriety. The authors explain thatRead More

How the 12-Step Approach Helps Heal Trauma at The Guest House

Those who are recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) often turn to the 12-Step philosophy to find healing and motivation for personal growth. These types of groups offer peers a safe space for discussing their recovery journeys and uplifting one another. According to the journal Social Work in Public Health, “Self-help groups based on thisRead More

Staying Grounded During Stressful School Events

If you’re pursuing an education after completing treatment for substance use disorder (SUD), you may face unique challenges. According to an article In Focus: Journal of Life Long Learning in Psychiatry, “U.S. college campuses have witnessed a national increase of cannabis, stimulant, and illicit drug use among students over the past decade.” The authors continue,Read More

Ways to Acknowledge Your Progress After Treatment

If you’ve been diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD), treatment is the start of recovery rather than the end of your journey. After treatment ends, you’ll need to find ways to remain motivated and focused on maintaining sobriety. Tracking your progress and celebrating milestones can provide this motivation. What’s more, a variety of healing modalitiesRead More

How Somatic Experiencing Helps Regulate the Nervous System: A Trauma-Centered Therapy at the Guest House

According to “Post-traumatic Stress Disorder” from the World Health Organization (WHO), around 70% of people globally will experience at least one traumatic event in their life. Additionally, out of that 70%, 3.9% of the world population will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Despite the prevalence of trauma, most people will experience a traumatic event andRead More

The Importance of Family Services in Trauma Recovery at The Guest House

Family services play a crucial role in trauma recovery. Group therapy, education, and communication strategies can all help families break the cycle of trauma and addiction. Family services foster a healthier and more supportive environment that can enhance healing in the long term. The Benefits of Family Services in Trauma Recovery Having a supportive familyRead More