Whether you’ve just begun your journey to recovery or you’ve been working hard for quite a while now, there’s no gainsaying the fact that recovery is all about lifestyle. Addiction causes us to lose focus of what’s most important to our mind, body, and spiritual growth; recovery brings us back to that place. Yes, recovery is so hard and it takes a lifetime – daily choices that add up to one amazing journey to happiness and well-being. It’s incredibly worth it; by focusing on your recovery one day at a time, you can develop a lifestyle that you are truly proud of.
For nearly anyone in recovery, social support is an incredible factor to success. A 2017 study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology sought to explore social identity and social networks in addiction recovery; 527 individuals completed questionnaires regarding their recovery, and found several implications:
- Participants with lower social support reported lower quality of life compared to those with a diverse social network
- Participants at the beginning of their recovery journey were more likely to report having very few, particularly one, meaningful person in their life. As stages of recovery progressed, participants expressed having more people as part of their social network
- Individuals tended to experience stronger identification with others in recovery than those who were not
Social support and social identity are both incredibly important to building a lifestyle conducive to recovery, but what else? A 2018 study published in the journal Circulation identified 5 major low-risk factors that contribute to an overall healthy life: never smoking, a healthy body mass index, moderate to vigorous physical activity, moderate alcohol intake (which, for those in recovery, is typically none – even better!), and a healthy diet. What are some ways that you can ensure these factors are getting met in your life? If you haven’t already, speak with a professional from a reputable treatment center to learn more about creating a lifestyle that will having you living longer, happier, and healthier.
Eventually, there is nowhere left for trauma to go when we leave it unresolved, and it shows up everywhere in our life begging to be healed. Make the decision today to enter trauma recovery and find healing. Call The Guest House Ocala to learn more about our residential care programs for trauma, addictions, and related mental health issues: 855-483-7800