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5 Ways to Feel Your Best Every Day

Some days you wake up feeling energized and ready to start the day. On other days, it is a struggle to get out of bed and get moving. It is also easy to fall into a rut and not know how to get out of it. Focusing on yourself requires time and energy. Unfortunately, feelingRead More

How Can I Learn to Relax?

Being able to relax is essential. Our society glamorizes being constantly busy. So many people wear their burnout like a badge of honor, bragging about the number of hours they worked or the number of tasks they completed. Learning that it is okay to simply relax is vital for mental health and overall well-being.  ManyRead More

4 Things You Can Do to Have a Great Day

Making time for your mental health is essential. We often need to make conscious decisions to take actions that help us maintain a positive mental outlook. Taking time to understand what your mind and body need to remain healthy is critical. Remember that everyone is different and that what you do throughout the day forRead More

Building Your Confidence During Recovery

Building Your Confidence During Recovery As you finished treatment for your substance use disorder and entered recovery, you began a journey that can be amazing and, at times, scary. You worked incredibly hard to overcome your addiction and understand your mental health issues. You learned coping skills, developed tools to face challenges and established boundariesRead More

What Affirmations Should I Use to Start My Day?

For some, affirmations can significantly help their mental health and overall well-being. Affirmations can be a great reminder of how capable, strong, and talented you are. We can all use a reminder sometimes. If you struggle with a mental health disorder or addiction, you may find that affirmations help you view yourself positively. If youRead More

How Can You Find Your Inner Child?

Everyone’s inner child is different. The simple happiness, no stress, and peaceful calm that children tend to easily find seems to dwindle as we grow older and enter adulthood. Finding your inner child again can help you get through tough times and persevere towards your goals. If you find yourself in a rut, try toRead More

Navigating Anxiety Post-Pandemic

Anxiety can feel all-consuming and can affect every single area of a person’s life. More than ever, people are experiencing a sense of anxiety in the reopening of society following the pandemic. You can now go to an amusement park, hop on a plane, or head to a waterpark. While for many people, this isRead More

How to Be More Honest With Yourself

Learning to be honest with yourself regardless of the situation is essential and beneficial to the recovery journey. You cannot grow if you are not honest. Often it can feel easier to push your difficult emotions down. Many people think that if you simply don’t acknowledge your struggles, they will go away. Sadly, that isRead More

How Can You Overcome Procrastination?

Everyone procrastinates at one point or another in life. We all face tasks and challenges that we simply keep pushing back day after day. We procrastinate on homework, household tasks, facing our challenges, and tackling projects. If you struggle with procrastination, know that you are not alone in this challenge. If you are working towardsRead More

How Can You Improve Your Brain Health?

Staying mentally sharp is essential for anyone at any age. Whether you are young and on summer break, a busy stay-at-home mother, or someone more advanced in age, we all need to sharpen our cognitive ability. Here are a few simple suggestions to help you stay mentally sharp.    Play Games   Playing games isRead More