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Exploring the Connection Between Self-Harm and Trauma: Breaking the Cycle

According to Frontiers in Psychiatry, self-harm also known as self-injury, or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) has a lifetime prevalence between 17-22%. Despite the prevalence of self-harm, there is a great deal of stigma and myths that accompany it. Some self-harm myths or misconceptions include perceiving people who self-harm as attention seekers and manipulators. While in reality,Read More

Living a Fulfilling Life Post-Recovery

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 7 in 10 and 2 in 3 U.S. adults are recovering or in recovery from substance use and mental health challenges, respectively. However, relapse can be a major barrier to building and living a fulfilling life in recovery. As the U.S. Department of VeteransRead More

Holidays in Recovery: Finding a Balance

Holidays in recovery can be a difficult time for anyone. You may feel hyper-focused on avoiding triggering situations or dealing with family that brings you down. Having a positive mindset and finding a strong balance during this time can go a long way. It is possible to enjoy the holidays while feeling confident in yourRead More

Protecting Your Sobriety During the Holidays

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and this can be an extremely difficult time for those in recovery. In order to protect your sobriety during the holidays, it’s important to have an action plan in place. The Holidays and Your Sobriety While the holidays are meant to be filled with fun and joy, this timeRead More

How to Enjoy a Sober Halloween

Halloween is already right around the corner, with costumes, parties, and spooky festivities. This time of year also means it’s more important than ever to protect your sobriety. With the right tools and guidance, you can enjoy a sober Halloween and have lots of fun. How to Enjoy a Sober Halloween Just like any holiday,Read More

An In-Depth Look at the Six Dysfunctional Family Roles

According to an article from Future Child, the important people in your early life, like parents, are both your caregivers and role models. You form healthy and unhealthy behaviors from the attachment figures in your life. These behaviors can have an impact on your wellness as you mature. Moreover, while every family is different, thereRead More

Opportunities for Volunteering in Ocala

Before treatment, you were likely busy. You probably could not have imagined having had time to volunteer somewhere. In this current time of your life, however, you may have more time on your hands than you know what to do with. Along with this, you may have a newfound desire to help out. You couldRead More

How Can I Find Supportive Friends in Recovery?

Recovery can often feel lonely. When you’re re-building your life, you may have to disconnect from unsupportive friends or peers you once used substances with. Even though it may seem difficult, finding supportive friends in recovery is possible. Strong Support in Recovery Unfortunately, many people go into recovery without a strong support network. You mayRead More

How Can I Enjoy Spring While in Recovery?

The spring season is just around the corner, bringing warm weather and happier moods. Just because you’re in recovery doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate this time of year. Enjoy the springtime and all the joy that comes along with it! Triggers and Temptations If you’re in recovery, you might feel uneasy at the thought ofRead More

Defining Triggers and What They Mean

You have likely heard people online, in shows, or maybe even some people you know use the word “trigger” causally. Someone might say, “It really triggers me when my neighbor’s friends parks in my driveway.” What they really mean is it annoys, frustrates, or makes them angry when their neighbor does not respect their space.Read More