Sleeping patterns and mental health are two very closely related concepts. Sleep helps your mind and your body repair themselves and become stronger. For that reason, sleep deprivation can worsen or even increase your chances of having mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression. Understanding the connection between your sleep struggles and your mental health can be an important component of your recovery.
Sleep and Your Body
There are two major types of rest. The first is called non-rapid eye movement rest. During this type of rest, your body temperature might drop, your heart rate and breathing might slow, and the deepest stage of sleep even produces physiological changes to support your immune system. The other type of sleep is rapid eye movement sleep, often referred to as REM sleep. This type of sleep is when you dream. In this stage your body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing all increase to what is similar to when you are awake. Many studies show that REM sleep is critical to learning, memory, and emotional health.
Managing Sleep
Because sleep is so connected to mental health, it is typically included within treatment plans. If you have difficulty sleeping and it is affecting your mental health, it needs to be worked on similar to how you are working on your mental health. Be open and honest about what you are experiencing and what you are feeling. Write in a journal so you can begin to see patterns or similarities in your sleep patterns and your mental health. You may find you struggle with sleep after doing certain activities or that there are pretty distinct patterns between your sleep and anxiety levels. The more information you can bring forward to a professional about your sleep quality and habits, the better they will be able to help you work through those struggles.
A healthy level of sleep is important to overall mental health. Many people who struggle with sleep often struggle with anxiety, stress, or depression as well. Understanding the connection between your sleep and mental health is important to a successful recovery. You may find journaling a helpful activity for you. This can help you begin to see connections or patterns between your sleep, actions, and mental health. At times, it is helpful to work with a professional to better understand these connections and to learn how to best work through our struggles. At The Guest House, we are here to help you better understand and manage what you are feeling and experiencing. Call us today to learn more about our treatment options at (855) 483-7800.