Recovery takes commitment. This isn’t a new theory, but you may often get so used to going through the motions that you begin to slack off on your commitment to your recovery. Although you can’t change the past, you can make the choice today to be committed to your recovery. This is something you must commit to first thing each morning. When your eyes pop open and your feet hit the floor, you must consciously make the decision to remain sober. It’s no secret: recovery takes commitment.
Why Must I Fully Commit to Recovery?
When you first started out in your recovery, you probably were not able to see very far in front of the day you were in. This is normal. Sometimes the tasks you have for today seem so large that you cannot possibly envision tomorrow. This can happen in recovery. For those of you that entered a rehabilitation facility at the beginning of your recovery, you probably did not think about the long-term commitments that you made when you entered. The process of inpatient rehabilitation can last from weeks to a few months.
Recovery, however, does not end once you leave the inpatient rehabilitation facility. It’s only just beginning! This can be scary, but it should also be exciting. So, why should you bother to fully commit to recovery in the first stages? Recovery isn’t just a singular state of mind. Recovery is a lifelong experience. Recovery is a lifelong commitment. Recovery is life itself. If you don’t fully commit to recovery, you aren’t going to get very far.
What Am I Committing to When I Commit to Recovery?
When you first commit to recovery, you might be committing to things you didn’t initially think were a part of recovery. When you take your first step onto The Guest House’s property, you are taking your first step to committing to recovery. When you take that first step, you are committing to get to the root cause of your trauma and your addiction. Oftentimes, these two things are very intertwined.
You are committing to letting go of those self-destructive coping mechanisms. You are committing to getting the help you need and deserve. When you commit to recovery, you are committing to yourself.
The Intersection of Trauma, Addiction, and Mental Illness
Many of the people who enter our facilities deal with things beyond their initial trauma. Whether it be addiction or mental illness, these things are often tightly wound around your initial trauma. We know that substance use can become a coping mechanism for many individuals who have experienced trauma.
Mental illness like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder may also develop after trauma has taken place. It’s important to remember that your recovery is long-lasting, and ultimately lifelong, because your trauma may have been ongoing. If your trauma was long-lasting, you shouldn’t expect your recovery to be something you can get done very quickly.
Trauma treatment is going to take a level of commitment that you are not used to. This can be a scary thing to think about, but you deserve to let go of your unhealthy coping mechanisms. You deserve to get to the root of your trauma. You deserve help.
Set Goals That Align With Your Lifelong Plans
Your lifelong plan includes recovery, so you need to set goals that align with that plan. If you have lived with an addiction, your lifelong plan includes sobriety. Thus, you need to set goals that align with that plan. This means that you will set goals of not using substances to cope with issues that may come up. It’s not about avoiding issues, but rather dealing with these issues in a healthy and safe way.
You cannot avoid every issue, but you can focus on how you react to the issue. With our staff at The Guest House, you are going to be able to create a lifelong plan and set goals that help you reach your recovery goals. We are going to help you keep track of your progress so that you remain on the recovery path.
Commit Now
If you are thinking about committing to recovery, commit now. There is no better time to commit to recovery than the present moment. The longer you wait, the deeper you will become entrenched in your ways of harmful coping mechanisms. Do not let your trauma rule your life any longer.
The first step of commitment is always the hardest. If you’re even thinking about committing to changing your life, you’re halfway there. Don’t allow yourself to live a life of substance use and unresolved trauma any longer. Sobriety and recovery is the life you want to live. The Guest House can help.
A commitment to recovery is a commitment to change. It’s about changing the way you look at the world. It’s about changing the way you look at yourself. It’s about changing the way you look at sobriety. If you are thinking about taking the step to commit to change, call The Guest House today for more information about how we can help you be successful. You can reach us at (855) 372-1079. We can’t wait to hear from you!