One of the greatest things we can do for ourselves and our mental health as we’re recovering from addiction and mental illness is learn how to be at peace no matter what difficult conditions or circumstances present themselves. We don’t always realize that inner peace can be a choice we make. It is not something that we have no control over. We can choose to be at peace amidst chaos, turmoil and unresolved problems. We can choose to control our internal environment, thereby controlling how we respond to the issues we’re faced with.
When problems arise, there is often a window of time when that problem is still unresolved. During that time, we tend to be in a great deal of inner turmoil, confusion and angst. We worry about how the problem will get solved. We have a lot of anxiety about both things we can control and things we have no control over. We can choose to approach this difficult time with more grace, ease and calm. We can make the choice to be at peace with the problem no matter how far it is from being resolved. This gives us far more control over the entire situation, because we’re more likely to come to a working solution when we stay clear-headed and calm. When we react with fear, anxiety and anger, we tend to contribute to the problem rather than to the solution. We amplify the negative effects it’s having on us, the stress, worry and confusion. We weaken our ability to focus on solutions, to see the big picture and to follow our intuition. Our instincts tend to get drowned out by all of the noise and clutter, both the external noise from the problems at hand, and the internal noise from all the overthinking and worrying we do. The challenge is to get quiet and still within ourselves, and to cultivate an internal environment of peacefulness, no matter how stressful or difficult the problem may be.
In order to foster an unconditional inner peace that can withstand any problem or issue, we have to know ourselves inside and out. We have to know what things function as stressors or triggers for us. We have to know what our normal reactions are. Do we react out of anger? Do we cry when we’re angry? Do we get quiet and shut down? Do we push people away? It’s so important that we become more familiar with our emotional responses. We also want to be more mindful of our thought patterns. Does your mind race when you’re anxious? Do you feel like your thoughts are all over the place and out of control when you’re stressed? Do you have a hard time concentrating when you’re upset? Do you find it impossible to relax and get to sleep when you’re worried? Having a better understanding of our reactions and responses and approaching them with more mindfulness can help us to change those habits that have become ingrained in us.
Think about the last time you were confronted with a problem you couldn’t solve. How did that make you feel? Chances are you felt powerless. You might have felt frustrated with your inability to fix things. You might have felt weak and as though you had no control. These are all normal feelings, but the challenge here is not to give into them and let them overpower us. We want to try and view the problem for what it is, a temporary issue that will eventually get solved. At the moment we might not know what the solution is, how to find the solution, how things will work out or when that will happen, but one thing we do know is that we can control how we feel. We can choose to focus on how transient the issue is by telling ourselves: “This too shall pass. I am getting through this. A solution is on its way to me. I am healing. I am resolving this issue.”
We can find ways to keep ourselves calm and at peace, no matter what’s going on in our lives. Meditation is therapeutic and calming for many of us, and there are countless different forms of meditation to try. Find one that is effective for you. There are breathing exercises, meditating by focusing on a single point such as a light or candleflame, walking meditation, mindfulness practices, visualization, and repeating affirmations. You can try journaling whenever you feel a difficult problem arise, and write down all the emotions you’re feeling, all the thoughts you’re having, and whatever dilemmas you’re deliberating on. Write until you feel the angst and turmoil start to be released from inside of you, and then take several deep breaths, focusing on this feeling of release. Now try to detach from everything you’ve written, and just let it be. Meditate on feelings of wellness, clarity, calm and peace. Remind yourself that you can still choose to be at peace no matter how difficult or stressful the problem you’re dealing with happens to be at the moment. You can choose to maintain your inner peace.
Focus on self-care. Recommit to your spiritual practice. Make time for exercise. Do things you enjoy. Sometimes when we’re dealing with a complex issue, we give it all of our attention and every bit of our energy, thinking that the more we dwell on it, the quicker we’ll come to a solution. This rarely works. Instead, focus on the things that you are clear about, the things you feel grateful for, the things you enjoy, the things you’re happy about. By giving yourself space, and creating space around the issue, you’ll be giving the problem room to solve itself, and the solution is therefore more likely to present itself to you. In the meantime, you can prioritize your wellness, inner peace and joy while things work themselves out.
At The Guest House Ocala, we have personal recovery experience and over 12 years in the recovery industry. We have helped countless people recover, and we’re here to help you too. Call 855-483-7800 today for more information.