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Abuse does something peculiar to our spirits. Breaking us down overtime, abuse, in all of its forms, causes us to start believing we deserve the treatment we are receiving. At the least, we may start to believe that we don’t deserve better. The effects of trauma following abuse are real and swift. Verbal abuse is a form of emotional abuse and is as impactful as any kind of physical abuse. Emotional pain and physical pain are interpreted almost identically in the brain and the psychological effect is equal. Because verbal abuse is not physical abuse, it is often overlooked. Don’t overlook these nine forms of verbal abuse. If you are in an abusive relationship and are suffering in your mind, body, and spirit by turning to self-harming behaviors, recovery is possible. Another life can be yours.

Hurtful nicknames: Bullying can seem innocuous at times, but the wound continues to deepen when behaviors like using hurtful nicknames becomes repetitive. You know when something is truly done out of gest and when it is done with an intention to cause harm.Dual personality: Verbal abuse is often hard to point out because it happens behind closed doors. Someone who is verbally abusive is often mild tempered and charming in front of other people, then relentlessly hurtful when other people are not around.Lack of recognition: Sometimes the most hurtful things said are the hurtful things not said. Verbal abuse can come in the form of never giving praise, acknowledgment, or recognition for who someone is and what they do. One of the most harmful forms is being completely ignored and unrecognized, a common tactic referred to in layman’s terms as “the silent treatment”.Guilt and shame: Guilt, shame, and other forms of manipulation are tactics used in verbal abuse to bring someone down. Those who turn to verbal abuse do so in an effort to control some uncontrollable part of their personal lives, by attempting to control someone else.Criticism: Everyone is due their share of criticism and constructive feedback. In situations of verbal abuse, however, criticism is a weapon, rather than a tool. Someone may be criticized for their likes, dislikes, opinions, beliefs, hobbies, passions, talents, activities, body, feelings, and more.Blaming: Verbal abusers need to believe that the person receiving their abuse is at fault. Most often, verbal abuse is the manifestation of a deep and untreated trauma. Blaming is a form of projection and self-defense directed at other people to take responsibility for actions that happened in the past.

You can recover from verbal abuse. The road to recovery is long. With the right treatment, you can get started on the right path. Call The Guest House Ocala today for information on our residential treatment programs for trauma and related issues including addictions, eating disorders, and other co-occurring disorders. 1-855-483-7800