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5 Unique and Innovative Modalities for Success in Recovery

Many people will attempt recovery more than once in their lifetimes. Unfortunately, traditional treatments and longstanding methods often leave much to be desired. The good news is that today’s unique and innovative modalities can offer you the fresh perspective you need to discover lasting success in recovery.

The Importance of Unique and Innovative Modalities for Recovery

When most people think of recovery, traditional modalities like talk therapy come to mind. These traditional treatments have well-documented benefits. However, they’re certainly not for everyone. In fact, the growing need for treatment in recent years has also created a greater interest in fresh and innovative ideas.

For example, many studies have found complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to be highly beneficial. These unique CAM therapies are usually holistic by nature, meaning they focus on the entire wellness of a person. They’re often used in conjunction with traditional therapies, giving people the chance to experience a full range of healing options.

Recovery Attempts and Relapse

Addiction is a chronic condition that is usually relapsing in nature. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) says that relapse rates for addiction are comparable to those of other chronic conditions, which is between 40% and 60%.

One reason for these high figures could be the fact that individuals aren’t finding the treatments that are right for them. To avoid relapse, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) says that treatment plans should be “tailored to the patient’s individual needs and preferences.”

Treatment plans should also incorporate a wide range of treatment modalities. If you’re not finding success with one type of program, it may be time to explore more unique and innovative modalities instead.

5 Unique and Innovative Modalities to Try

If you’re ready to branch out and try something new in your recovery journey, you may not know where to start. Here are five therapies that can help you heal your mind, body, and spirit. You can find each of these unique and innovative modalities at The Guest House.

#1. Core Energetics

Addiction and other self-defeating behaviors can often be connected to some kind of previous trauma in your life. Unresolved trauma can make you feel like you’re on a never-ending hamster wheel of struggle. This is where a method called core energetics can come in.

Core energetics is a mind-body psychotherapy that can help you break the cycle of harmful behaviors by bringing awareness to your energy and inner self. This holistic therapy is based on the belief that we all have a positive life force within us. Often known as your higher self, this life force can get blocked by negative energy imprints from traumatic experiences.

Through core energetics, you can learn how to move through negative energy, thoughts, and feelings so you can become the best version of yourself. This practice looks different for everyone, but it may include grounding exercises, physical movement, meditation, and more.

#2. Somatic Therapy

Similar to core energetics, somatic therapy is based on the principle that trauma can be stored as energy in the body. Utilizing gentle bodily movements, this modality can help you move stuck emotions and other negative feelings out of your body. As you free yourself from stuck emotions, you may feel more confident and in control of your inner world.

Somatic therapy also teaches you how to gently sit with painful feelings and memories. By bringing these feelings to the surface, you can stop letting the negative cycle control you. Instead of letting memories constantly play in the background, you can learn how to overcome them for good.

#3. Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Another unique and innovative modality is known as accelerated resolution therapy or ART. This modality incorporates principles from various psychotherapies to alleviate trauma-related symptoms quickly.

ART includes components of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and image rescripting. These methods help individuals process painful memories associated with trauma. The methods also help you release any hold these memories have over you by helping you replace the pain with more positive associations. This release allows you to regain a sense of control and the confidence you need to find lasting success in recovery.

#4. Adventure Therapy

This is perhaps the most exciting modality on the list. Adventure therapy allows you to have fun, build important skills, and experience the healing benefits of the great outdoors.

Originally developed in the 1980s as a program for at-risk youth, adventure therapy is now considered an excellent tool for adults too. This unique modality emphasizes the importance of cooperation, problem-solving, and risk evaluation. It includes therapeutic activities like outdoor games, wilderness exploration, and building survival skills.

#5. Cinema Therapy

Last but not least, cinema therapy can help you process trauma and heal addiction in a nontraditional way. Cinema therapy harnesses the power of film and storytelling. It allows you to put yourself in the shoes of characters who are going through experiences similar to you.

In cinema therapy, individuals are encouraged to view and analyze films that contain difficult topics like trauma, addiction, and mental health struggles. This can help facilitate a dialogue about your struggles and show you that you’re not alone. Using this modality, you can also create a clearer picture of the person you’d like to become moving forward.

Pursuing Unique and Innovative Healing at The Guest House

If you’re wanting to explore any of these modalities more in depth, look no further than The Guest House. We offer a wide range of unique and innovative modalities for trauma, addiction, and mental health recovery.

At The Guest House, you can discover which methods work best for you. We utilize a cutting-edge blend of both traditional and holistic therapies to help you heal your life, rediscover your purpose, and create lasting success.

No matter what recovery has looked like for you in the past, you can try something new and exciting each day at The Guest House.

Traditional therapies and rehab programs aren’t for everyone. If you haven’t found luck in recovery just yet, it may be time to expand your horizons with some unique and innovative modalities instead. At The Guest House, our clients thrive within our cutting-edge program that includes a vast array of expansive therapies to heal your mind, body, and spirit. We blend together traditional modalities with holistic methods like cinema therapy, somatic therapy, core energetics, and more. Our program is individualized and designed to help you create your own toolkit using the methods that work best for you. To explore our innovative options and receive more information, call us today at (855) 483-7800.