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4 Easy Strategies to Rest Your Body in Recovery

Life has a way of throwing stress at you at the most inappropriate times. One minute, you complete all of your projects, and the next minute, stress seeps into your life. For instance, you may start to second-guess the work you have completed. Then, if you’re self-aware, you start thinking about how to decrease your anxious thoughts. Let’s get real, this is life in a nutshell, and thinking about strategies to rest may feel like overkill.

Luckily, healthy coping skills exist that you can practice when life becomes chaotic. This article will focus on strategies to rest your body and also your mind. Additionally, the article will discuss the environment that The Guest House provides, which allows you to rest your mind and body through connection to nature during treatment.

Different Types of Rest

When discussing the word rest, most people think of getting adequate sleep. Although that is one of many strategies for resting, there are many ways to decompress. Mental and physical rest are at the top of the list when exploring rest. The seven types of rest are as follows:

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Social
  • Creative
  • Sensory
  • Spiritual

An article in Forbes magazine, titled “The Benefits of Resting and How to Unplug in a Busy World,” discusses the importance of resting mind and body to decrease stress in life. Life is hard even without being in recovery. During recovery, you need tools to heal the body from the inside out. No matter what type of stress you experience, numerous strategies can help you rest. It is important to note that you may experience many ways to rest or just one. There is no right or wrong way to rest.

Strategies to Rest Using Mindfulness

In recovery, it is not uncommon to have thoughts and feelings that are hard to process. At times, stress surfaces and causes unpleasant emotions. By practicing mindfulness, you can better separate what is happening around you from how you are experiencing the situation inwardly. Mindfulness is one of many strategies to rest your mind, as it allows you to fully experience the present moment.

Mindfulness allows the mind to rest and take the present moment instead of experiencing racing thoughts. At the end of the day, being in the present moment is all that matters. Below is a simple but productive way to practice mindfulness:

  • Stop what you are doing and focus on your breathing. Breathe in through your nostrils for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and release for a count of four.
  • Experience how you feel and notice what is around you.
  • If a thought appears, notice it as a thought and let it pass through.

After a time, this practice will be natural and easy. Mindfulness can be a daily practice of resting your mind. You simply need a willingness to try strategies to rest your body and mind.

Strategies to Rest Your Mind in Meditation

No matter what you are going through or what causes you to focus on exploring strategies to rest, one way you can never go wrong is meditation. Taking several minutes a day to rest your mind and focus on silence or a phrase can dramatically reduce anxiety and depression. When experimenting with meditation, all you need is a desire to change and a willingness to try something different.

Finding time to be quiet can be the best way to rest your mind. It may be difficult to find that time and bravely take it, but you owe it to yourself and recovery. Many times, people experience racing thoughts and struggle to calm their minds. With meditation, you are in control at all times. At The Guest House, trained professionals can also guide you throughout your practice.

Rest Your Mind With Journaling

Perhaps you’ve had a chaotic day, and all you want to do is talk to someone. Every person you know is not available right now. Do you know what is available at any time? Journaling your thoughts and feelings. This is a great way to rest and explore healthy coping skills through talking to yourself on paper. That is right, you have a therapist inside of you, all to yourself!

However, some people find this scary. However, you don’t have to probe the deep, dark recesses of your mind. Instead, you can reflect on your dreams and desires. Only you can decide what you write and how you write it because you are the author of this story.

The Guest House and Strategies to Rest

Imagine spending time on 52 acres of scenic views and peaceful landscapes. Connection is said to be the opposite of addiction. At The Guest House, we operate in connection with each other and nature. What’s more, we prioritize rest and relaxation. All of our guests must acknowledge that the soul needs rest before the body can heal. This is one reason we offer a holistic approach to recovery. We understand how the body connects with the mind and offer numerous opportunities to help your soul sing. Join us. We would love to have you!

For many people, resting seems impossible. However, during recovery, it is essential for your body to heal from the inside out. One of the most important ways to rest is to learn what to do when you are overwhelmed in life. At The Guest House, we understand rest and encourage you to explore the ways to rest that work for you. Our beautiful and spacious community values resting your mind, body, and spirit. You can choose what that looks like for you. If you or someone you know is struggling to rest in recovery, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (855) 483-7800. Our approach is to meet you where you are at on your journey.