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Why Is It So Hard to Quit Opioids?

Opioid addiction has become a full-blown epidemic in the United States. Even though there are now more programs and treatments than ever, many people still find it difficult to quit opioids. Even though it may seem impossible, you can recover with the right tools and help. The Opioid Epidemic To understand the opioid epidemic, it’sRead More

Could My Sleeping Habits Be Affecting My Moods?

Thinking about going to sleep may put a smile on your face. However, for some people, the idea of going to sleep can cause anxiety. For others, sleeping means a chance to avoid life’s problems. These examples show why achieving a balance in your sleeping habits is essential for living your best life. Sleep isRead More

Spring Cleaning Your Internal and External Environments for Recovery

Now that you’re in recovery, it’s an excellent time to conduct a thorough spring cleaning. Decluttering both your internal and external environments can help you create space for your new substance-free life and help you reach your goals. The Cycle of Addiction If you’ve experienced substance use disorder (SUD), you may have found that yourRead More

Will Journaling Help Me Overcome Trauma as an Alumnus?

There are many ways to process or attempt to overcome trauma. Understanding how traumas have affected you may be one of the best things that you can do for your overall well-being. Just as everyone is unique, so are the traumas you may have experienced. Journaling is an effective way to process triggers and behaviorsRead More

Understanding the Impact of Early Relationships on Trauma Recovery

The early relationships you form in the first stage of your life are critical to your lifelong development. According to the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, a child’s development is supported by their emotional relationship with the important adults in their life. Through your early relationships, you can see clear connections between your early relationshipsRead More