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The Benefits of Group Therapy

Recovering from addiction is a challenging and often tumultuous process. To make the process even more difficult, many rehab centers don’t offer support groups beyond 12-Step meetings commonly associated with drug and alcohol recovery. Breaking free from addiction is essentially a process of unlearning destructive habits and adopting positive replacements. With the proper support, weRead More

What Types of Groups Can I Participate in After Treatment?

No matter what stage you are in your recovery, you may have questions associated with aftercare and what to do after completing treatment. You may have even been out of treatment for some time. However, after leaving treatment, you may find yourself “missing” something. Connections are a vital part of recovery in and out ofRead More

How Do I Approach Intimacy After Sexual Trauma?

If you’ve experienced sexual trauma, call The National Sexual Assault line at 1-800-656-4673 for support. Sexual assault disrupts your life. This blog will offer self-help and therapeutic options to work through sexual trauma both individually or with your partner(s). Sex and Assault It’s essential to distinguish sex from assault. For this article, we’ll use theseRead More

Why Addiction Is a Disease and Not a “Character Flaw”

People who struggle with addiction are often viewed as having a weak will or low morals. Society tends to see people who struggle with substance abuse as morally corrupt individuals who consciously choose to give in to their vices and indulge in self-destructive behavior. The reality, however, is that addiction is a disease of theRead More

Is Opioid Addiction a Choice?

The opioid addiction crisis that continues to plague America is frightening, particularly for someone who may struggle with addiction. However, the stigma surrounding opioid use and associated problems often prevent people from getting the help they need. Instead, millions of people struggle in silence while the epidemic gets worse. Those people may struggle with shame,Read More

What Is Religious OCD (Scrupulosity)?

Many people think about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and picture Monica from Friends — always focused on cleaning and organizing. This stereotype hurts people with OCD whose illness presents in other ways. Obsessions can fixate on any number of things. One type of OCD exists that centers around religion. In this article, we’ll explore what it’sRead More

Connection and Support Through Online Meetings: Is This Right for Me?

People are connected to humans everywhere we go through social media, texting, and talking on the phone. If we are connected to humans through technology, why not consider the connection to a positive support system through online meetings? Exploring if online meetings are the right option can open up many doors for us to connectRead More

Feeling the Pain: The Physical Effects of an Opioid or Opiate Addiction

The use of opiates and opioids has become a serious and widespread problem throughout the world. Opiates are natural analgesics derived from the opioid poppy plant, while opioids are synthetic. Opioid and opiate abuse have severe physical and psychological repercussions, including depression, insomnia, social isolation, paranoia, and an inability to function normally in everyday life.Read More

How Can I Find LGBTQIA-Inclusive Addiction Treatment?

It can feel difficult and frustrating to find LGBTQIA+ inclusive addiction treatment. If you’re looking to change your life for the better, you should understand the causes of mental health disorders within the community and know what questions to ask a potential treatment program. Discrimination Against the LGBTQIA+ Community As an LGBTQIA+ individual, you oftenRead More