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Bouncing Back After Relapse

Relapse can be a very scary and dangerous thing. Most people in recovery fear suffering a relapse. If you have experienced a relapse, you may be feeling defeated, scared, and ashamed. Working through those feelings and getting back on track with your goals is a process. Everyone is on a unique recovery path, so yourRead More

Opening up About Your Recovery

Opening up about your addiction and recovery to your loved ones can be challenging for some people. There are many reasons you may be nervous about opening up. Some might be hesitant for fear of judgment. Even now, in recovery, there will be people who judge you for your past addiction. There will be peopleRead More

Assessing Your New Year’s Eve Choices

So you made poor choices on New Year’s Eve; now what? Recovery is a journey, and you are not perfect. You will have days and times when you make choices that you later regret. Mistakes are learning moments. If you behaved in a manner you do not like on New Year’s Eve, take some timeRead More

Creating an Identity Beyond Addiction

If you have suffered from addiction for a period of time, you may have become so consumed that your identity became intertwined with that addiction. Addiction has a way of making everything about it. All of your time, thoughts, actions, and values became connected to your substance of choice. Who you were was an addiction.Read More

How to Manage Your Triggers

Managing and understanding your triggers is a large part of recovery and maintaining your overall well-being. When you were attending treatment, you probably began the process of understanding what your triggers are and how they affected the choices you were making. As you journey through recovery and maintain your sobriety, you will need to continueRead More

Accepting You Need More Support in Recovery

Often people assume that after treatment is done and sobriety is reached that all of the hard work and growth is complete. That is not the case. Recovery is a life-long process filled with growth and exploration. It is normal and expected to continue support after treatment is complete. There is nothing to be ashamedRead More

Maintaining Non-Sober Relationships

Making the choice to go to treatment and get sober was a huge decision that took considerable time and effort. You have worked so hard. You can be proud of your journey. Not everyone with an addiction is ready for that journey, though you were. Also, not everyone in your life will be sober. YouRead More

Assessing Your Recovery for the New Year

As the new year begins, it can be a great time to reflect on your recovery journey. How do you feel about your recovery? What might you want to work on or change? The beginning of the new year is a great time to reflect and make those changes. Journeying through treatment was a timeRead More

How to Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Being unique is amazing. Everyone is different, and you should be proud of everything that makes you a unique individual. Often when people suffer from mental health issues, it can create feelings of shame or isolation. Learning to embrace all that makes you unique is powerful. Work with a mental health professional to begin yourRead More

How to Reduce Stress at Home

Stress is an almost inevitable part of life. Everyone will feel stress at some point in life. If you struggle with stress or anxious feelings, then creating a space at home that helps alleviate those feelings is essential. Everyone is unique and will all need something different to feel calm and at peace at home.Read More