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Big T’s and Little T’s in Trauma

We know that trauma can have a lasting impact on any individual. However, it is typical to think of trauma as only happening to veterans or sexual assault survivors. While “big T” traumas are traumatic events that leave you to little or no control, there are also “little T” traumas that many people experience, andRead More

Having Sex After Sexual Assault

People who have gone through something as traumatic as sexual assault may experience consensual sex differently. For some, sex can trigger unsettling traumatic memories of their assault that leaves them depressed afterwards. For others, it may cause them to have a lot of sex without feelings of intimacy. By confronting your trauma, you should beRead More

Embracing Recovery

Embracing your recovery can be difficult if you are just starting out. It can be even harder to accept a new normal life without substances. It isn’t impossible, though. The Guest House can give you the tools to embrace your recovery and keep moving forward. Check out how you can embrace your recovery below. Everyone’sRead More

Emotional Numbing

Emotional numbing is when you shut out your feelings after a traumatic event. It becomes a coping tool to avoid having to confront your feelings about what happened to you. While emotional numbing can provide you with temporary relief, avoiding confronting your feelings can lead to negative consequences in the future. Symptoms of Emotional NumbingRead More

Learning to Let Go

Forgiveness is a difficult thing to do because letting go can be so hard when there are emotions that are wrapped around the situation like tender muscles. Think of forgiveness as a broken wrist. Someone has done something that has hurt you, so your wrist becomes broken. Your feelings are hurt, so the muscles becomeRead More

How to Reconnect with Your Body After Trauma

Trauma has a way of making us wish we could switch bodies with someone, since the physical and psychological effects of trauma still stay with us—even years later. If you experienced a physical assault, the body can be a constant reminder. Part of our trauma is stored in our body, so it is important toRead More

How Do I Make Breathwork Work for Me?

Many types of meditation can offer a holistic approach to breathing techniques. The practice of breathwork involves using controlled breathing as a means to gain access to your inner consciousness. Breathwork uses breathing exercises that are meant to reduce symptoms of mental health issues, including trauma-induced substance abuse, process addiction, anxiety, or depression. With eachRead More

Can I Change My Impulsive Nature?

Trauma-induced substance abuse can elevate impulsivity when a person engages in risky activities, such as stealing, self-injury, unprotected sex, binge drinking, intravenous drug use, or developing an eating disorder. These dangerous activities are based on a person’s impulsive nature to cope with the pain of trauma. They often do not realize they are suffering untilRead More

Psychological Shock

Psychological shock is when you experience a physical reaction in response to a traumatic event. It can be from a number of traumatic events, like a car accident, going through a breakup, witnessing something scary, or any other kind of event that can lead to feelings of fear. By recognizing when you go into psychologicalRead More