There are various forms of denial we experience when it comes to addiction, and for many of us who identify as addicts, we’re often most in denial about the devastating effects our addictions are having on our lives. We try to avoid the painful truth of our problems by focusing on the seemingly positive effects of our addictions. We convince ourselves that our drugs of choice have a beneficial, desirable impact on us and our lives. We become so dependent upon our drugs of choice that we’re not able to be objective about all the negative effects, as well as all the consequences and repercussions, of our drug use. We euphemize our addictions and treat them with nostalgia, as though they’ve been a happy part of our lives. We avoid confronting our harmful patterns, focusing all our attention on the good feelings we don’t want to let go of.
We tell ourselves that we feel a lift when we get high, that we feel more at ease, more pleasant and more carefree when we drink and/or use. We might come across as happier, more lighthearted, more upbeat and optimistic. We might feel as though we become better, more positive versions of ourselves when we’re under the influence. We tell ourselves we’re more productive, we get more work done, we accomplish more when we’re high. We tell ourselves we’re more personable and outgoing, more social, less reserved and self-isolating. We feel less lonely and afraid. We’re less consumed with social anxiety and shyness. We feel more emboldened and empowered to put ourselves out there. We feel more capable, stronger, and more powerful. We tell ourselves that drugs are helping us to live our best lives and to make our dreams come true.
What we’re often forgetting when we focus on these things, though, are all of the after-effects of the high – how far we plummet after we felt like we were on top of the world, how hard we crash when we come down from the high, how much we’re hurting ourselves and the people around us in the long run, even when in the moment drugs might give us feelings of euphoria and relief. The depression, anxiety, panic and regret we feel after the high wears off are often things we try to forget about and avoid thinking about. We deny even having these feelings and focus instead on how good we feel when we’re high, how much we’re able to zone out and forget our troubles. We become blinded to the painful crash after the high, the bitterness of disappointment and remorse, the deep sadness we feel to have hurt ourselves and the people we love.
The recovery process entails coming to terms with all of the feelings we experience due to our addictions, both the seemingly good and the bad, so that we can become more mindful of our patterns, behaviors, and choices and start to transform our lives for the better.
At The Guest House Ocala, you will be treated with dignity, respect, and compassion. Call 855-483-7800 today for more information on our treatment programs.